We will begin this lesson in Proverbs 27:14 "He that blesseth his
friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be
counted a curse to him."

     First of all, he should wait until later in the day. Perhaps his
loud voice has awakened the person he is trying to bless. When he
blesses in a loud voice instead of quietly indicates that he wants
everyone around to know. This is probably because he wants something
in return. This very offensive blessing is probably thought of as a
curse instead of a blessing by the receiver. Probably this blessing is
in word only.

     Proverbs 27:15 "A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a
contentious woman are alike." Proverbs 27:16 "Whosoever hideth her
hideth the wind, and the ointment of his right hand, [which] bewrayeth

     This "continual dropping" can just drive you crazy, because it
never stops. This contentious woman is the same. She never stops
nagging, and she, too, will drive you crazy; because you can't get her
stopped. I really don't believe you could stop her from complaining
any more than you could stop the wind from blowing. the only thing
that I can say about this ointment is that it probably smells good,
and we know it is of a spiritual blessing because of the right hand.
It appears spiritual blessings are withheld from her because of the
word "bewrayeth".

     Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the
countenance of his friend."

     In this, I see that iron couldn't be sharpened by aluminum or
some softer metal. We see in this that friends should choose friends
of their same or stronger moral stature. To run around with a fool
would not improve you at all. Someone of like beliefs will build you
up when you are down. Good friends keep you on your toes doing your
best, because they expect the best of you.

     Proverbs 27:18 "Whoso keepeth the fig tree shall eat the fruit
thereof: so he that waiteth on his master shall be honoured."

     We know that those who take really good care of their fig trees
can expect a very good crop. We see the comparison here of the one who
works hard for the master and does the masters' wishes shall also be
honored. My desire, as the desire of many others who work for God, is
that someday we will hear him say, "Well done thy good and faithful

     Proverbs 27:19 "As in water face [answereth] to face, so the
heart of man to man."

     To look into a pool of clear water, man sees his reflection in
the water. The feelings of our own heart are the feelings of other
man's heart, as well. One thing television has done is to make us see
that even people we classify as out enemies have the same desires of
heart that we do, and they hurt the same as we do, as well. When we
look into a man's heart, we see our heart, as well.

     Proverbs 27:20 "Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes
of man are never satisfied."

     We see, here, that Satan never stops trying to cause men to sin.
The lust of the eyes is what caused the sin in the garden of Eden, and
it is still what causes sin. The Lord Jesus said to lust for a woman
in your heart was committing adultery with her in your heart.  Lust of
the flesh causes sin. Unless you look with your eyes, you will not

     Proverbs 27:21 "[As] the fining pot for silver, and the furnace
for gold; so [is] a man to his praise."

     Great temperature melts silver in a pot, and fire melts gold, as
well. We see in this that heat applied purifies, The trash in the
precious metals comes to the top and is skimmed off. We are told that
even under great pressure we are to praise God. Hebrews 13:15 "By him
therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
that is, the fruit of [our] lips giving thanks to his name." God
inhabits the praises of His people. Praise brings victory.

     Proverbs 27:22 "Though thou shouldest bray a fool in a mortar
among wheat with a pestle, [yet] will not his foolishness depart from

     "Bray" means butt or pound. I see in this that you can take a
fool and force him to be in a group of Christians (wheat), yet he
won't learn a thing. To be changed into a Christian, a person has to
be willing. God will not force Himself on us. As we have said before,
we must be wise unto salvation. The most foolish thing a person can do
is reject the Lord.

     Proverbs 27:23 "Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks,
[and] look well to thy herds."

     Whatever type of work you do, you should do your very best. In
fact. you should do it as unto the Lord. If you neglect your flock,
you will not have a flock. If you take care of your flock, they will
grow and make you wealthy. No one else will look after your things
like you will.

     Proverbs 27:24 "For riches [are] not for ever: and doth the crown
[endure] to every generation?"

     We see, here, that just because you have riches doesn't mean that
you always will. If you do not take care of what God has entrusted you
with, you will find one day that all your wealth has vanished. The
crown endures as long as wise rulers stay aware of the needs of their
people. People will overthrow rule if it is cruel or unfair.

     Proverbs 27:25 "The hay appeareth, and the tender grass sheweth
itself, and herbs of the mountains are gathered."

     The hay is grass that is seasoned and stored for the winter
feeding, the grass springs forth again. At a different time, the herbs
of the mountain are gathered. We see the farmer makes preparation to
feed his animals year round.

     Proverbs 27:26 "The lambs [are] for thy clothing, and the goats
[are] the price of the field."

     Lambs grow wool, and they are sheared to make clothing. It
appears that the goats are more easily reproduced, and the owner can
sell them and pay for the field. Believers are called sheep, and non-
believers are called goats.

     Proverbs 27:27 "And [thou shalt have] goats' milk enough for thy
food, for the food of thy household, and [for] the maintenance for thy

     It appears that goat's milk is the main stay of the meals there,
like cow's milk is in the United States. The young maidens milked
these goats. Goats were not eaten daily, but were cooked and eaten in
some of the sacrifices.

                         Proverbs 43 Questions

1.  If a person blesses someone loudly and early in the morning, it is
    counted as a ________________.
2.  What does it indicate when you bless in a loud voice?
3.  In verse 15, what is a contentious woman like?
4.  What type of blessings are right hand blessings?
5.  What sharpens iron?
6.  What type of friends does this indicate we should have?
7.  What will happen if you take care of your fig tree?
8.  What should a person do to receive honor from his master?
9.  What is the desire of all Christians?
10. What is meant by "water face answereth to face"?
11. What lesson have we learned about out country's enemies on
12. Where are we told is never full in verse 20?
13. In verse 20, what sin is intended in "eyes of man"?
14. What was the cause of the problem in the garden of Eden?
15. What purifies silver and gold?
16. What kind of praise are we to offer in Hebrews 13:15?
17. What does "bray" mean?
18. What does the author see in verse 22?
19. What should a man be diligent about besides God?
20. Riches are not __________.
21. Why would a king be overthrown?
22. What is hay in verse 25?
23. Why is hay, grass, and herbs mentioned in verse 25?
24. Verse 26 tells us lambs are for ____________.
25. What are goats?
26. Who are sheep and goats, spiritually?
27. Who milked the goats?